Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Low Severity and High Priority Bugs in E-commerce Web Application

1. Typo on the Checkout Confirmation Page
Description: A misspelled word on the checkout confirmation page.
Severity: Low
Priority: High

2. Logo Displaying Incorrectly on Homepage
Description: The company logo appears stretched or pixelated.
Severity: Low
Priority: High

3. Incorrect Customer Support Email Address on the Contact Us Page
Description: The email address provided for customer support is incorrect.
Severity: Low
Priority: High

4. Broken Social Media Links in Footer
Description: Links to social media pages in the footer are broken.
Severity: Low
Priority: High

5. Non-functional Promo Code Input Box
Description: The input box for promo codes in the checkout process does not work.
Severity: Low
Priority: High

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