Tuesday, July 9, 2024

High Severity Low Priority Bugs in E-Commerce Web Application

1. Payment Gateway Failure in Specific Currency
High Severity: Users cannot complete purchases using a particular currency.
Low Priority: This currency is rarely used by the customer base.
Technical: When users select a rarely used currency, the payment gateway integration fails due to incorrect API calls or missing currency configuration.
Simple: Users can't pay in a specific, rarely-used currency.

2. Crash When Filtering Products by a Rare Attribute
High Severity: The website crashes, disrupting user experience.
Low Priority: The attribute filter is rarely used by customers.
Technical: Filtering by an uncommon attribute triggers a crash, possibly due to a null reference or unhandled exception.
Simple: The site crashes when filtering by a rarely used feature.

3. Incorrect Discount Calculation for Bulk Orders
High Severity: Users are charged incorrect amounts.
Low Priority: Bulk orders are rare.
Technical: The discount logic has a bug when calculating bulk order discounts, leading to incorrect pricing.
Simple: Bulk orders get the wrong discounts.

4. Failure to Load Product Images on Secondary Pages
High Severity: Product images do not load, affecting user experience.
Low Priority: Occurs on less frequently visited pages.
Technical: Image URLs or CDN issues prevent images from loading on less-visited pages.
Simple: Product images don't show up on certain pages.

5. Inability to Apply Multiple Coupons on Checkout
High Severity: Users cannot avail of multiple discounts.
Low Priority: Only a few users use multiple coupons.
Technical: The checkout process doesn't handle multiple coupon codes due to a bug in the discount application logic.
Simple: Users can't use more than one coupon at a time.

6. Error in Wishlist Functionality for Out-of-Stock Items
High Severity: Users cannot add out-of-stock items to their wishlist.
Low Priority: Out-of-stock items are a small portion of the catalogue.
Technical: The wishlist feature crashes or misbehaves when adding out-of-stock items due to lack of proper handling.
Simple: Can't add out-of-stock items to a wishlist.

7. Mismatch in Product Specifications on Detailed View
High Severity: Detailed view shows incorrect specifications.
Low Priority: Rarely visited detailed specifications page.
Technical: The product detail page shows incorrect specs due to outdated or incorrect data fetching logic.
Simple: Wrong details are shown on the product page.

8. Search Function Fails for Long Strings
High Severity: Users can't search with long keywords.
Low Priority: Most users use short search queries.
Technical: Long search queries cause database or server errors, possibly due to input length limits or inefficient query handling.
Simple: Searching with long phrases doesn't work.

9. Incorrect Display of User Loyalty Points
High Severity: Users see the wrong loyalty points balance.
Low Priority: The loyalty points program has low participation.
Technical: The loyalty points calculation or display logic has errors, showing incorrect balances.
Simple: Users see the wrong loyalty points balance.

10. Failure to Load Reviews for Products with No Reviews
High Severity: Page crashes if a product has no reviews.
Low Priority: Most products have at least one review.
Technical: The review section crashes when there are no reviews, likely due to poor handling of empty datasets.
Simple: Page crashes if there are no reviews.

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