Monday, June 3, 2024

API Testing Using Postman: Part 3

  • We have 2 types of URLs. One is HTTP and the other is HTTPS.
  1. HTTP(Hypertext transfer protocol) will give the data to the client without any security(without password encryption).
  2. HTTPS(Hyper Text transfer protocol secure) will give the data to the client with some security (password encryption).

  • URL is divided into 3 parts:
  1. URL: Uniform Resource Locator
  2. URI: Uniform Resource Identifier
  3. URN: Uniform Resource Name

Feature & Resource:
  • The feature is the term which is used in manual Testing to test some functionality. Resource is the term used in API Automation Testing referring to some functionality.
Payload: payload is the body HTTP Request and Response message.
Request payload: In the Request payload, we send the request in the request body using HTTP/HTTPS Request.
Response payload: In the response payload we will get the response in the format of HTTP Response which contains the status code, Response payload and string message.

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