Wednesday, March 5, 2025

API Testing Interview Questions - Part 1

 1. API - API is an application programming interface that acts as an intermediate between two applications. API is a collection of functions and procedures.

2. API Methods:
  GET - get requests are used to retrieve the information from the given URL.
  POST - To send the new data to an api.
  PUT - This method is used to update the existing data.
  DELETE - This is used to remove or delete the existing.
  PATCH - Partially updated resource.

3. What is the difference between 201 and 204 Status Code?
  • 201 - The request was successful, and a new resource was created.
  • 204 - The request was successful, but there is no response body. When an update or delete operation is successful.
4. What is the difference between 401 and 403 Status Code?
  • 401 - Unauthorized. without logging in or with invalid credentials.
  • 403 - Forbidden. When a logged-in user tries to access a restricted area without the required permissions.
5. What is the difference between Query Parameters and Path Parameters?
  • Both Query Parameters and Path Parameters are used to send data in API requests.
6. How does an API Work?
  • Client request -> Server Processing -> Response - Client Handling
7. Main types of API?
  • Public API
  • Private API
  • Partner API
  • Comboste API
8. What must be checked when performing API testing?
  • Accuracy of data
  • HTTP status codes
  • Data type, validations, order, and completeness
  • Authorization checks
  • Implementation of response timeout
  • Error codes in case the API returns, and
9. How do you handle dynamic data in API testing?
  • Data Parameterization: Using data-driven tests where input values are generated dynamically from a data source (e.g., database, files).
10. What are the major challenges faced in API testing?
  • Output verification and validation.
11. Difference b/w RESTful API and SOAP API?
  • RESTful API and SOAP API lie in their architectural styles and message formats.
12. API Endpoint - Refers to a specific URL or URI

13. Purpose of authentication:
  • Verify the requester identity before granting access to protected resources.
14. Authentication methods used in API Testing:
  • Token-based authentication - A token to the client after successful authentication.
  • Basic authentication - sending the username and password 

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