Friday, May 17, 2024

API Testing Using Postman: Part 1

Client and Server: The client is a computer or local machine which is from the user's end and the server is a place where the data is stored.

Client and server are divided into 3 categories.
  • 1-Tier -  It has only 1 client and 1 server.
  • 2-Tier -  It has multiple clients but contains only one server.
  • 3-Tier -  It will have 3 layers.
           Client(Presentation layer)[multiple clients]
           Business logic(Application layer)[multiple API's]
           Server(Data layer)[Multiple servers]

API - Application Programming Interface.
  •  Application - It works for a Web Application. It is called an Application Layer.
  • Programming - we will send API requests through code which are written in programming languages(Eg: java, python etc.).
  • Interface - It will act as an interface or communication barrier between client and server.

Uses of API Testing:
  • Generally, we test the UI using selenium and we check whether every functionality is working or not. But, when it comes to API Testing we send a request to the server based on the request it will give the response. In the response itself, we can check whether all the functionality is working or not. 80% of the Testing is completed within less time if you know API Testing and 20% will be testing the UI elements, colour buttons etc.
  • No need for UI Testing by 100%.If we perform API Testing.
  • We can perform API Testing once the backend code and the APIs are ready. A gap will occur between the presentation and Application layer(it will take time to create UI). In that time, we can test our application using API's. 
  • API Testing is simple and easy to learn compared to Selenium web application Testing.

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