Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Essential Performance Testing Metrics Every Developer Should Know

  1.  Processor Usage: Time spent by the processor to execute non-idle threads.
  2. Memory use: The available physical memory to process on a system.
  3. Disk time: It is the time taken by the disk to read or write a request.
  4. Bandwidth: Bits per second used by a network interface.
  5. Private bytes: A specific number of bytes allocated to a particular process.
  6. Response time: The time between the user’s request and the first response character.
  7. Throughput: Rate of requests received per second by a network. (The formula is Throughput = (number of requests) / (total time). )
  8. Maximum active sessions: Maximum number of sessions that may stay active at once.
  9. Thread (user) counts: Determining the well-being of the application by checking the number of running and active threads.
  10. Latency - JMeter measures the latency from just before sending the request to just after the first response has been received.
  11. Think Time - the time between two transactions of user actions. 
    (Login -> Think Time -> Search -> Think Time -> Logout). 
    The average thinking time could be in the range of 3 to 10 seconds for a normal user.
  12. Error rate - Measures the number of errors that occur in each request.
  13. Network latency - Measures the time it takes for a request to travel from the client to the server.
  14. Transaction time: Measures the time it takes for a transaction to complete.
  15. Resource utilization: Measures the number of resources used by the server to handle requests.
  16. Memory usage: Measures the amount of memory used by the server to process requests.
  17. Load test scalability: Measures how well the server can handle an increasing amount of requests.
  18. Page load time: Measures the time it takes for a web page to load.

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